High Level Overview of MTK's on-chain validators:
General Checks
All MTK´s validations include basic checks that don't depend on the redeemer
Credential token is present in the outputs
Correct amount of script inputs
Index UTxO preserves address
Correct amount of script outputs
Process User Order Redeemer:
For deposit orders:
Slippage success:
Balance approximates target balance
Order token is burnt and the number of minted MTK corresponds to the value added to the instrument
Portfolio output datum is correctly updated
Portfolio Manager fees are accumulated in the portfolio output value
User is paid the minted MTK (minus fees)
Slippage failure:
No MTK tokens are minted and order token is burnt
Portfolio input values equal output values
Portfolio input datum equal output datum
Assets in the order are paid back to the user (minus the order token)
For withdraw orders:
Slippage success:
Balance approximates target balance
Order token is burnt and the number of minted MTK corresponds to the value removed to the instrument
Portfolio output datum is correctly updated
Portfolio Manager fees are accumulated in the portfolio output value
User is paid the withdrawn assets (minus fees)
Slippage failure:
No MTK tokens are minted and order token is burnt
Portfolio input values equal output values
Portfolio input datum equal output datum
Assets in the order are paid back to the user (minus the order token)
Process Manager Order Redeemer:
When processing either Update or Collect orders
Collect Order:
No minting nor burning in the transaction besides the burning of the order token.
Portfolio value is only substracting the accumulated fees.
Manager is paid the accumulated fees.
Portfolio output datum updated accordignly.
Update Order:
No minting nor burning in the transaction besides the burning of the order token.
Portfolio value only changes accordingly
New weights are well-formed (sum equals to 1).
Portfolio output datum updated accordingly
Index NFT Minting Policy:
Only one script output
Valid index datum
Weights sum equals to 1
w asset minted: the index NFT and initial MTK mint
Positive amount of MTK minted
Index assets paid to correct address
MTK Minting Policy
Index NFT is present in the outputs
Last updated