Metera DAO MTKs
The DAO can create MTKs that align with its mission to innovate and manage assets. The inaugural set of MTKs was ratified during the DAO’s initial voting process, setting a precedent for future strategic MTK launches. MTKs serve as a strategic instrument to enhance value, so the procedure for creating MTKs via the DAO must align with METERA deflationary mechanisms, maintain robust risk management, and fulfill the DAO’s purpose of securing long-term sustainability.
The DAO leverages three different types of MTKs to address varying strategic and community engagement goals:
DAO-Owned MTKs (DOM): Fully controlled by the DAO, with all generated fees and revenues retained for DAO initiatives. A revenue split with the projects within the MTK can exist, incentivizing co-marketing and exposure to their communities.
Partially DAO-Owned MTKs (PDOM): Designed to include community participation through a revenue sharing mechanism with approved MTKs.
Strategic Partnership DOM (SPDOM): Designated to increase usage and visibility of the protocol by partnering with key players in the ecosystem.
Each type has a dedicated creation process and evaluation criteria that align with the DAO’s deflationary objectives, risk, operational, management standards, and strategic flexibility. MTKs may only be created during special periods, which can only be opened by the Metera Team, which provides limits and requirements for MTK creation.
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